CHAINLIFE SX is manufactured from highly stable blends of synthetic fluids which are clean, contain no silicones or solid lubricants, are non-carbonising in use and provide wet lubrication of bearings subjected to elevated temperatures for prolonged periods.
The material does not break down at elevated temperatures to produce hard lacquers which can at best prove difficult to remove and at worst, build up and block oil-ways thereby preventing any subsequent lubrication leading to rapid and costly wear.
This material is extremely cost-effective in use but it is necessary to apply fresh material at a frequency influenced by the operating environment. The word ‘continuous’ does not imply lubrication “for life”.
Intermittent is defined as the point above which the material becomes non cost-effective in use. The figure indicated is typical, however the actual figure is determined by the environment in which the material operates, and should be found by site trials.